Program Planning for 2022-2023
10:00am-12:00pm via Zoom
Please join other League members to help us discuss and set our priorities for the upcoming year and provide guidance to LWVUS.
Program planning is the grassroots process where our local League members discuss and prioritize education and advocacy actions for the upcoming year. We will review our current local priorities and decide if they should continue to be our priorities for 2022-2023. The recommended priorities from the Program Planning meeting are reviewed by the board and voted on by membership at our Annual Meeting in June.
In addition, we will make our recommendations to LWVUS about what issues to study and prioritize for action for the next two years, 2022-2024. Program planning is the tool for focusing and prioritizing our work to ensure that League resources, human and financial, from our grassroots volunteers to our professional staff, are engaged where they have the most impact. The LWVUS Program will be discussed and voted on at the national convention in June.
All members are welcome to attend to learn more about the League and offer their thoughts and suggestions about our priorities for the upcoming year. Join us on February 5th at 10:00am. Virtual doors will be open at 9:45am.
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Program Planning Meeting 2022 Agenda