Every ten years, after the census figures are released, local governments and agencies will redraw the district boundaries for future elections of trustees, commissioners, directors, etc. Redistricting will determine political representation for the next ten years. The League believes that districts should be drawn using fair criteria to help keep communities intact and to ensure that everyone is equally represented.
Check out the information below to learn about the various redistricting efforts and how you can provide feedback.
Santa Clara County Board of Supervisor Districts
Flyer: SCC Redistricting Info
Website Info: https://countyexec.sccgov.org/2021-redistricting-process
Valley Water
MidPeninsula Regional Open Space (Feedback by 9/10/21)
Learn about redistricting and provide feedback
The next outreach meeting is October 27. Midpen is offering an online tool to get feedback on current ward boundaries as they start to process 2020 census data released recently. Midpen’s MyDistricting tool lets you add comments on an interactive map to provide input, share ideas and suggest things to consider when defining the new boundaries of each director’s ward.
Foothill DeAnza College District: Changing from “At Large” to “District” elections
Help Shape Trustee Area Boundaries – Learn more at a series of public hearings (9/13 or 10/4) or by completing a “Communities of Interest” survey. To learn more
State of California
Every 10 years, after the federal government publishes updated census information, California must redraw the boundaries of its Congressional, State Senate, State Assembly and State Board of Equalization districts, so that the districts correctly reflect the state’s population.
In 2008 California voters authorized the creation of the Citizens Redistricting Commission. It authorized the Commission to draw the new district lines. The 14-member Commission is made up of five Republicans, five Democrats, and 4 not affiliated with either of those two parties. The Commission must draw the district lines in conformity with strict, nonpartisan rules designed to create districts of relatively equal population that will provide fair representation for all Californians. To learn more about the: 2020 Citizens Redistricting Commission.
To provide feedback:
Upcoming Meetings