Amplifying Democracy:
The 26th Amendment & the Power of Young Voters
Join LWV and our partners for a virtual panel discussion on the 26th Amendment and the game-changing influence of young voters in America
LWV Los Altos Mountain View
Officers for 2023-2024
President: Katie Zoglin
VP Action: Ellen Wheeler
VP Program:
Secretary: Donna Davies
Treasurer: Joanna Shreve
Directors for 2023-2024
Government: Kevin Ma
Natural Resources: Gary Hedden
Social Policy: Abby Longcor
Voter Service: Karin Bricker
Membership: Lisa McLain
Directors at large: Bill Lambert
and Nathan Pier
Heads Up, from President Katie Zoglin…
I look forward to serving as President of our League this year.
All members are invited to a Summer Social on a Sunday afternoon in the second half of August. I will be hosting it in my backyard - an opportunity for members to meet one another and socialize.
The exact date and time will be announced in mid-July Voter. The Board and I look forward to seeing you then!
Climate Solutions
So, it is no surprise that some words we use to write or talk about climate disruption either encourage collaboration or antagonize people. Find out which words have a more positive impact here!
Create Life-Long Voters
If you might be available to help us out at the end of September 2023 to create Life-Long Voters, please email Claudia Hevel or Claire Noonan
Help pre-register youth to begin a lifetime of voting! A sure way increase voter turnout in elections is to pre-register 16-year-olds, so they automatically receive their ballot by mail (VBM) at their first election when they turn 18.
Aligned with the California Secretary of State’s High School Students Voter Education Weeks, our Voter Services committee organizes teams each year to pre-register at Los Altos and Mountain View high schools at the end of September. Please volunteer.