Helping Make Democracy Work! | The Voter
Newsletter for
LWV Los Altos-Mountain View
July 15th, 2022 | In this Issue:
- League News
- Upcoming Events
- Action: Postcards
| | |  | League National Convention
Five of our League members were delegates to the LWVUS 2022 Convention held in Denver last month. While four attended virtually, Ellen Wheeler was there in person, when the Roe Decision came down, reversing nearly 50 years of privacy rights for women’s reproductive health. Delegates adopted the following resolution: “Be it resolved that the LWVUS supports the rights of women and those who can become pregnant to self-determination related to, and including, but not limited to bodily autonomy, privacy, reproductive health, and lifestyle choice.”
After Friday’s session, Ellen and her fellow delegates made signs, put on their marching shoes and went to the Denver State Capitol, joining thousands of other protesters. See photo below.
Important Convention Outcomes:
- Dr. Deborah Turner was re-elected to serve a second biennium as LWV President. She said her “moonshot” project would be to apply LWV resources to achieve the elimination of the Electoral College.
- Making Democracy Work was reauthorized and amended to include the following. “direct election of the President by popular vote” as a prominent, listed component of ‘Making Democracy Work. Note: This motion includes both National Vote Interstate Compact and the Abolishment of the Electoral College by Constitutional Amendment.
- Equal Rights Amendment was added to the LWVUS program so that resources and focus be used to accomplish its passage and further our mission. Note: the ERA is already part of LWV’s work, but delegates asked that it be elevated with this motion. The ERA has been ratified by enough states to become the 28th Amendment, but didn’t do it by the deadline set by Congress. If Biden and the U.S. Archivist authorize it to be published (as LWV wants), it will go into effect— barring court challenge.
- Two new positions were adopted by concurrence:
- LWV’s existing Healthcare Position was updated with language from LWV New York
- Beginning in 2024, Per Member Payment (dues) by local and state leagues will be replaced by LWVUS collecting and distributing all dues. No more than ⅓ collected will be kept by LWVUS.
To learn more what was discussed and decided: 2022 Convention Daily Briefing
Convention was inspiring and valuable for those attending in person and virtually. A large number of sessions were offered covering youth engagement, improving election systems, climate issues, social media and digital equity, diversity/equity and inclusion and much more. We will publish links to convention workshops when they are available.
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Ellen Wheeler with Roma Dawson, the new president of the Bay Area League
Climate Action Plan Guideline for Local Leagues
At our national convention from June 23rd to 29th, the League of Women Voters shared guidelines to help leagues encourage local governments to take meaningful action against climate change. The climate action plan offers ten actions cities can take, like retrofitting municipal structures for renewable energy supply, and ten processes for local greenhouse gas reduction planning, such as setting reduction goals and integrating climate action into building codes.
Watch a video recording of the presentation here, and follow along with the slides.
| Annual Meeting Outcomes
If you were not able to attend our League's Annual Meeting on May 11th, you can can learn about what went on by reviewing the information below.
- We completed our years business by reviewing accomplishments, updating some of our local positions and electing our board for next year. If you would like to learn more about our decisions, the minutes of the meeting have been reviewed and are now available: Minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting
- Julie Yick, Ed.D., led us in a discussion about working together with students to promote civic engagement in our communities. Dr. Yick shared her thoughts about building bridges between communities followed by the perspectives of two students who are dedicated to civic engagement, community service, and social justice. Watch the recording: Engaging Students in Our Democracy
| Upcoming and Ongoing Events | One Time Events
It's a quiet month
Ongoing Meetings
Book Group
- Saturday, July 23, 2022, 2:00 - 3:30 pm
- Book: Who Killed Jane Stanford? by Richard White
- In-person meeting
- Contact Sue Graham to confirm interest and meeting place.
Our Book Group reads books that enlighten us about topics of today. Our bi-monthly meetings allow us to add our own experiences and ideas to the discussion. Join us.
Voter Services
- Thursday, July 28, 2022, 3:00-4:30 pm
- Virtual meeting via Zoom hosted by Pamela Baird
- Contact Pamela Baird for instructions to join meeting.
LWV LAMV Voter Services committee registers new voters at citizenship ceremonies twice a year; registers and pre-registers high and community college students; and provides voter education services for elections.
Board Meeting
- Monday, August 1st 7:00 - 9:00pm
- Virtual meeting via Zoom
- Contact Karin Bricker for instructions on joining this meeting.
Housing Committee Meeting
- Monday, August 8, 2022, 7:00 - 9:00 pm
- Virtual meeting via Zoom hosted by Abby Longcor.
- Contact the Housing Committee for instructions to join meeting.
Our chapter's Housing Committee regular meeting is the second Monday of the month. The committee works locally in Mountain View and Los Altos to promote more Below Market Rate units and other city zoning and commercial development policies that increase affordable housing.
| Fight Voter Suppression - Write Postcards
REMINDER: We will be partnering with Reclaim our Vote to write non-partisan postcards in (late) August and September. Postcards are sent to voters in states that make voting difficult.
Postcard packets will include complete instructions, 20 cards, a matching number of addresses, registrar stickers and postcard stamps. For those who are comfortable, we will schedule backyard small postcard writing parties to add some fun.
If you are interested in helping or want to learn more, contact Karin Bricker with the details requested:
Phone number
Number of 20 card packets desired
No time? Donate via the website using the Donate button at LWVLAMV.ORG. Please notify Karin Bricker that your donation was for "Reclaim Our Vote". Thank you!
Hope to hear from you,
Karin Bricker, President LWVLAMV Area
Pat Lang, Reclaim Our Vote Coordinator
| Copyright © 2022 League of Women Voters of the Los Altos-Mountain View Area, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
League of Women Voters of the Los Altos-Mountain View Area
PO Box 3492
Los Altos, CA 94024
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